Music and the Arts

Dr W A MacLeod is proud to offer a continuously growing music program for students grade primary to grade 8. Each and every student is provided an opportunity to grow through music. 

There are multiple extra curricular music activities students are encouraged to participate in:

  1. Elementary and Middle School Choir
  2. Beginner and Junior Band
  3. Grade 4-8 Musical 

Each of these activities come with there own schedule and participation requirements. Upon sign up students will be provided with communication to allow both home and school to be understanding of the expectations of the activities. 

Grades 3-8 Choir:

Meets Wednesday’s after school until 4:00pm. Students will attend these rehearsals where we will learn new music pieces to perform at multiple different events throughout the year. Our performances will include Remembrance Day, December concert and music festival. 

Beginner and Junior Band:

These programs are both curriculum based and extra-curricular. Students will be provided a yearly schedule with their rehearsal days in school. Within the band calendar they will also be provided with after school rehearsals as needed. These after school rehearsals will connect to our larger performances including but not limited to our December concert, music festival and spring concert. Students who participate in band will also receive a grade standard for the outcomes addressed in the course. Students are also responsible for work they miss while attending band classes as they get “pulled” out of their regular scheduled programming. 

Spring Musical:

This is a relatively new program offered here at DWAM. This connects all aspects of fine arts together. Students from grade 4 to grade 8 are provided an opportunity to perform, create and produce a Junior version of some of our favorite musicals. Rehearsals and Auditions for the spring musical beginner in December and January each year. Students who sign up to participate in the musical will be provided with information about expectations and practices. 

Prior musical productions:

  • Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka JR.
  • High School Musical JR.

If you have any questions or want to get involved come see Ms Gilby for more information.

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